🎯 Work Smart Wednesday
👋 Hey there!
Here is your weekly dose of Work Smart Wednesday
In these emails I will share with you 3 things to help you work smarter in 3 minutes or less. That leaves you with 10,077 more minutes to conquer your goals this week
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1. 🎤 Yoodli & Toastmasters
A two-in-one! I recently joined Toastmasters, the world-famous speaking improvement group. The core premise of Toastmasters is to practise public speaking in supportive environment, but in reality it is so much more than that. I have been along to a few meetings in different cities I have lived in across the world and it was about time I joined officially.
Toastmasters is probably the best place I have ever found to meet other people who have a growth mindset. While people there are from all walks of life and are there for different reasons, they are all united by the desire to improve. It is truly powerful to be among people like that.
As an attendee, you will significantly improve your ability to communicate. It isn't just about giving speeches, but also becoming more competent on zoom calls or speaking to others.
Communication is an absolutely vital skill for success, to improve your sales, build relationships, and build your brand. I strongly recommend checking out your local Toastmasters group at going along to the meeting (your first meeting is always free as a guest!)
Yoodli is a recent free bonus for being a member of Toastmasters I found (also available to the general public). It is a great AI speech and communication coach. It can record your speaking and provide you with feedback to improve. It also has some fun mini games to improve your speaking which I am currently doing daily.
Was your message clear? Did you say "um" too many times? How about your speaking speed? Super useful stuff.
Link: Your local Toastmasters club
Link: Yoodli AI
You can watch my first ever Toastmasters "Icebreaker" speech below
2. 💼 How to get your first client as a new freelancer
This Thread by Chris Do is a great guide to getting started as a freelancer.
The thread is most relatable for service-based businesses, but there are lessons there for all (including established businesses, so many people forget basics like to ask for referrals!)
3. 💡 Quote I'm pondering
Perfectionism is procrastination masquerading as quality control - Chris Williamson
Click here to share this quote on Twitter
That's it! I can't wait to hear what you think. What did you find most useful? What do you want more or less of? Reply to this email now and let me know
Also, if you have anything interesting to share, I want to know about it😊
Have a great week,
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P.P.S. Thank you for trusting me with your time. If these emails ever turn into a burden, I encourage you to unsubscribe. I strive to provide real value and I am here to help you to make the most of your time
👋 Want to work together?
When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:
🔍 Clarity Call - we will discuss your situation and create a step-by-step action plan together so you know exactly what you need to do next for maximum impact
👓 StartSmart - Achieve a 6 figure income within 6 months, whether you only have an idea or you have already started your business
🧘 Overload to Optimal - reduce your workweek to 20 hours or less within 90 days while running your 6-8 figure business

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