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Hey, I'm John

Productivity nerd, entrepreneur, and board game geek

Welcome to my corner of the internet! For those of you who don't know me yet, I am an award-winning entrepreneur turned business coach.


Last year I helped my clients earn an additional $24,000,000 in revenue and saved them 21,840 hours. Talk about a win-win.

I help entrepreneurs to make 6-figures+ while they work less than 20 hours per week

My Story

You have less time than you think. Unfortunately, this is something most people only get acquainted with when they experience the death of a loved one.

As a child, I was no stranger to loss, having witnessed the deaths of numerous loved ones. The weight of those experiences instilled in me a profound awareness of time's preciousness. It led me to be hyper-conscious of my time. I became driven to make the most of every moment, seizing opportunities with unwavering determination.

I wanted to get as much done as quickly as possible. This led me to take action on the things I wanted - I headlined small festivals as lead signer and guitarist in a band, started the world's first brewery to specialise in ancient alcohol, orchestrated educational events at elite universities worldwide, and won countless awards.

But it all took so much time.

I found that I was working all the time and missing out on other important things. I found myself engulfed in the relentless demands of work, sacrificing meaningful connections and cherished moments with family and friends. I might see them but I was rarely 'present', often thinking about my business or worried that things would stop because I was away. 

Everything changed in late 2018 when I watched a short video about Jelly Beans. 


I was a little burned out from leading a remote team of 30 to deliver events at universities across 7 countries. That video made it clear to me that, on my trajectory at the time, I was likely to see my mum just 20 more times before she passed away. Something had to change.

In 2019 I shifted my strategy and embarked on a transformative journey, immersing myself in the realms of time management and minimalism. I have spent untold hours and tens of thousands of dollars discovering and implementing the best time tips and systems. I mastered the art of reclaiming time. My focus shifted from collecting accolades to enjoying life. I implemented systems, automated tasks, and stopped doing things that I didn't enjoy or that didn't produce exceptional results.

I now work an average of 15 hours per week across 4 days and enjoy the freedom of a fully remote lifestyle. I take multiple holidays per year and take a day off whenever I want to.


In 2022 I lived in Valencia, Spain, for most of the year, spent a month exploring Bulgaria, 6 weeks at home in the UK with family, and a month in Italy (Sardinia and Rome) with friends. Despite all the travel and multiple months off, I smashed my revenue record and achieved the most profitable year of my life.

Naturally, people took notice of my remarkable lifestyle, prompting inquiries for guidance. Witnessing the profound impact my strategies had on others, I discovered a newfound joy in assisting entrepreneurs to reduce their working hours. I have now helped well over 200 people to grow their businesses while reducing their working hours.


In 2022, I helped clients bring in an additional $24,000,000 in revenue and reclaim 21,840 working hours.

The rewards of my work are immeasurable. Just ask Denis from, who traveled Europe with his family for months while maintaining a six-figure income, all thanks to the systems we implemented together. Witnessing the transformations my clients achieve is deeply fulfilling, knowing they are reclaiming their dreams and once again finding joy in their businesses.

So, what do I do with all my free time now?


I immerse myself in running my environmental charity, I spend time in the company of cherished friends and family, I volunteer as a trustee for charities, I embark on thrilling adventures (I recently got back from Kazakhstan!), I devour captivating books, and I indulge in the immersive world of modern board games like Terraforming Mars and puzzles like Puzzled Pint.


My partner and I started a board game community in 2021 to play board games in the park with friends. We grew it, and within one year it has become the largest weekly board game event in Europe. We do things we enjoy. So can you.


Life is meant to be enjoyed, and I'm here to guide you toward a business that brings both profit AND fulfillment. Why have a business if you cannot enjoy it?

I am always happy to help, whether it be a quick question via email or a video call. 

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