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🎯 Work Smart Wednesday

👋 Hey there!

Here is your weekly dose of Work Smart Wednesday

In these emails I will share with you 3 things to help you work smarter  in 3 minutes or less. That leaves you with 10,077 more minutes to conquer your goals this week

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1. 💻 A great step-by-step guide to landing pages that convert

This completely free guide posted on IndieHackers is a great place to start when designing your website landing pages. Both myself and all of my clients have used it as a simple guide to get a decent landing page made that we can then iterate from.

Your landing page needs to be simple and concise - to quote Donald Miller, as in the article, "a caveman should be able to glance at it and immediately grunt back what you offer".

This guide walks you through the full page, 'above the fold' and beyond.


Above the fold example for landing page

2. 🐦 Calendar-priority alignment

George Mack is the man when it comes to mental models and, more recently, TikTok ads for startups with his business Multiply. I had the pleasure of meeting, and briefly working with, George when we were both at University - he is the real deal.

Does your calendar reflect your priorities? This is an incredibly important question that most people neglect. You aren't going to go far if you are working on the wrong things.

Calendar-priority alignment is something I work on with all of my clients and something you can benefit from doing at home yourself today.

Top Tip: When scheduling your calendar, put your priorities in first THEN schedule your time for work. Your time for sleep, family, health, breaks, learning, or any other key priority comes first. You are in control. You run your business, do not let your business run you.

George Mack calendar priority alignment tweet

3. 💡 Quote I'm pondering

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst - William Penn

Click here to share this quote on Twitter

Quick tip: To make better use of your time, try tracking it. Be aware of how you spend your time, then decide if it aligns with your preferences.

That's it! I can't wait to hear what you think. What did you find most useful? What do you want more or less of? Reply to this email now and let me know

Also, if you have anything interesting to share, I want to know about it😊

Have a great week,

P.S. Did someone forward this to you? Subscribe here

P.P.S. Thank you for trusting me with your time. If these emails ever turn into a burden, I encourage you to unsubscribe. I strive to provide real value and I am here to help you to make the most of your time

👋 Want to work together?

When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

Clarity Call - we will discuss your situation and create a step-by-step action plan together so you know exactly what you need to do next for maximum impact

👓 StartSmart - Achieve a 6 figure income within 6 months, whether you only have an idea or you have already started your business

🧘 Overload to Optimal - reduce your workweek to 20 hours or less within 90 days while running your 6-8 figure business

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