Last year I helped 48 entrepreneurs
Start their businesses and make $32,000,000 more

🎯 A single value-driven 1:1 video call with an experienced business coach. Make sure your business idea has potential and know what to do next.
🛑 A sales-free zone. I am not going to try and hard sell you on anything. This is a standalone session to help you beat burnout and save time.
🏷️ Only $197, no hidden costs or obligations.
💼🎨📦Works with all kinds of businesses. From agencies to IFAs, coaches to car-repair garages, coconut-wholesalers to cleaning companies. This will work for you.
Franzens Leads
Result: $0 to $20k pm in 6 months
Anton was a victim of "shiny object syndrome". He changed business ideas regularly and struggled to get anything off the ground. He had almost lost hope that he could become a successful business owner.
We nailed down his goals and worked on his mindset. We started an agency specialising in a very niche market and did outreach (even without a business name or website!). We are now scaling to $100k pm.
Social Media Marketing Agency
Result: $2k to $23k pm in 8 weeks
When I started working with Ghayth he ran a "full stack" SMMA. He was burned out, with lots to do for his low paying customers. Something needed to change.
We conducted a value audit, identifying his key skills and most valuable services. We overhauled his offer to focus on the most valuable aspects and cut everything else. His income increased 10x in 8 weeks.
Weekend Publisher
Result: $182k in 5 months
Denis and I started working together after he left his stressful job. He wanted to build a business that made him a full time income within a year.
We clarified his target audience, his acquisition system, and his customer lifetime value. We cut everything else, including social media marketing and even building a website. He made $182k in 5 months. We are now working on fully delegating the business.
Various businesses
Businesses included in this clip:
Public speaker
Language teacher
"I will often hit a ceiling of my own experience, so when you ask these questions it is really useful for me. You ask questions I hadn't even thought about"
"Your coaching rocks in general, it's fucking great. It is so obvious that you actually want to help"
"That was really uplifting for me. I already feel like there is much more control and I know what to do"
Who is this for?
This is NOT for you if:
❌ Your revenue is above $150k per year
👉 Productivity Power Hour is for you
❌ You plan to run a religious/spiritual business
❌ You want me to run your business for you
❌ You want a "Yes man". You don't actually want somebody to challenge your ideas, you just want somebody to approve your ideas
❌ You are not willing to trust the process and put the work in
❌ You’re not willing to prioritise our work together. You need to trust me that the tasks I assign are assigned for a reason and will help
This is for you if
✅ You have a business idea or have already started your business (revenue under $150k)
✅ There is so much to do that you don’t know where to start
✅ You feel stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure what to do next to grow your business
✅ You want to be able to enjoy what you do
✅ You want to develop your skills
✅ You want to start and grow your business with the right foundations in place
✅ You want to own a business that makes money AND gives you freedom
More Social proof

How will you identify what I should do?
As entrepreneurs there are 1001 things we can be doing, the secret is knowing which things to focus on. I will listen to you and your situation, identify your priorities, and create a personalised action plan for oyu so you know exactly what you should do next (and I will provide resources and support to help you actually do it!).
Will this work for my business?
Yes, it will work for you. I have success stories from almost every industry imaginable - from cleaning companies to IFAs, Etsy sellers to coconut product wholesalers, and from coaches to car-repair garages. This will work for you.
Will I have to hire people or pay for software?
Nope. We won't need to hire anybody or pay for anything like ads or software for this to work. There are no hidden costs.
How will you help me - what is your style?
I offer a very practical, action-focused, 'blended coaching' approach. I will help you to identify answers yourself and learn how to fix the problem yourself so you don't need me long term, and in the short term I offer direct guidance and step-by-step action plans so you know exactly what you need to do next and how to do it Sessions will be conversational and relaxed. You are talking to somebody who is on your side, a supportive friend. Behind the scenes, I am a science and data driven. I will look into the numbers for you and provide expert insight while helping you to understand the underlying reasons why everything happens
What time are calls?
You can view my availability here: Most of my clients are in North America and Europe but I have had clients on six continents. No matter your location, I’m here to help you. If there are no dates or times on my calendar that work for you then please email me at I am always happy to work directly with you to find a time that will work for us both.
I don't have enough time do I find time for coaching?
We immediately start eliminating lesser priority activities from your schedule so that you open up more time to invest in the activities that make a real difference. I don't give any tasks without a specific reason. Everything you learn is directly applicable to getting the job done - making you feel more peaceful, confident, and accomplished.
A final note
As an entrepreneur, you probably have 1001 things you need to do and equally as many options to get each thing done. Which is the right thing to focus on?
The world is changing fast, there always seems to be a new tool or trick.
Business gurus give conflicting advice - some say TikTok others say Insta. Some say run ads, others say focus on freebies and content. Who should you listen to?
The truth is, the best strategy depends on you. Every person is different, every business is different, we need to build each strategy to benefit from your strengths.
My Clarity Call is designed to help entrepreneurs like you regain clarity, control, and confidence. To make things a little simpler by creating a step-by-step action plan specific to you, your skills, and your unique business.
In the last 6 years, I have helped over 200 entrepreneurs like you to start and grow 6-figure businesses.
I would love to help you to do the same.